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CPD for Counsellors

ADHD Awareness

Understand what ADHD is and how it can impact on a persons day to day living.

1.5 hour session.

Supporting ADHD

Gain knowledge of support tools and techniques to support individuals with ADHD lead as successful a life as possible.

2 hour session.

Menopause Awareness

Understand Menopause and the impact it has on the individual and the people around them, including relationships, children and the workplace.

Identify ways in which a client might better support themselves, maintain good relationships and manage the complexity of the Menopausal years.

3.5 hour session.

Bulimia & Binge Eating Disorder

Understand the key features of Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder.

Identify key considerations when working with this client group.

2.5 hour session.

Out of control sexual behaviours

Understand what is meant with out of control sexual behaviour.

Identify key considerations and support when working with this client group.

2.5 hour session.